Plant oestrogens (isoflavones)
and safety
The European Food Safety Authority
In 2015 (EFSA) The European Food Safety Authority performed the most comprehensive safety assessment of plant oestrogens (isoflavones) to date. In its report, the EFSA confirms that there is no increased risk for women who take up to 150 mg isoflavone daily.
Read the EFSA report here:
EFSA report press release: Link
EFSA-report: Link
The quantity of isfolavones present in REGOMEO
Product type: Food supplement
Content: Fermented red clover, peppermint, lemon balm and sage
Isoflavone content: Minimum 56 mg/100 ml. May vary.
The daily intake of isoflavones in REGOMEO roughly corresponds to the isoflavone (plant oestrogen) content of a normal diet in Asian countries (approximately 20-60 mg /day).
The quantity of isfolavones present in REGOBONE
Product type: Food supplement
Content: Fermented red clover, standardised to 60 mg isoflavones (plant oestrogens) /100 ml.
The daily intake of isoflavones in REGOBONE roughly corresponds to the isoflavone (plant oestrogen) content of a normal diet in Asian countries (approximately 20-60 mg /day).
Herrens Mark follows the precautionary principle
More clinical research is needed to draw definitive conclusions about the effects of isoflavone intake in patients who have or have had oestrogen-sensitive cancers (such as breast or ovarian cancer).
Herrens Mark therefore, adheres to the precautionary principle and advises former and current oestrogen-sensitive cancer patients to only consume red clover extract in consultation with their own doctor. The intake of food supplements when one is ill should always be discussed with one’s own doctor.