
REGOMEO 1 & 2 Liter – Organic

(9 customer reviews)

For menopausal women

REGOMEO® contains patented fermented red clover extract with lactic acid bacteria. Fermented extracts of lemon balm, sage, and peppermint are added to the extract. All herbs in REGOMEO are specifically selected to help achieve a comfortable menopause. Red clover helps maintain comfort during menopause, and fermented red clover has increased bioavailability. Lemon balm promotes a positive outlook and healthy sleep, while peppermint supports digestion. All herbs in REGOMEO are harvested from fresh, organic herbs. The product is vegan, organic, unpasteurized, without alcohol, and free from preservatives.


Product details

Why you should choose REGOMEO

REGOMEO® is made of juices pressed from the leaves and flow¬ers of the red clover plant. The plants are harvested during the summer when they are fresh and full of essence they are then pressed and fermented with lactic acid bacteria. A lactic acid fermentation separates the plant agents from the sugar mole¬cules, giving them a form that can be absorbed directly through the wall of the intestine, thereby increasing its absorbability. Red clover, with its content of plant oestrogens, along with the added extracts of lemon balm, sage, and peppermint, helps to navigate through menopause comfortably.

Red clover helps maintain comfort during menopause.

Lemon balm helps promote:
• A positive outlook
• A healthy sleep

Peppermint supports:
• Digestion

Salvie contributes to:

Product of the year 2014 & 2018

In 2014, and again in 2018, Herrens Mark was named Danish Health Food Product of the Year. It also won the Herbal Product of the Year Award at the Danish Health & Science Awards in 2018. The reasons given for the awards were: Effective for hot flushes, high bioavailability, high-quality organic ingredients, carefully considered product, good sales and made in Denmark.


Important: The recommended daily intake should not be exceeded. Food supplements should be stored out of reach of young children. Should not be used by kids under 11 years of age. A food supplement does not replace the need for a varied diet and a healthy lifestyle.

Product flyer

Weight 2 kg

1 Litre, 2 Litres

92.5% fermented red clover extract (Trifolium pratense L.)*, 3% fermented lemon balm extract (Melissa officinalis L.)*, 3 % fermented peppermint extract (Mentha x Piperita L.)*, 1,5% fermented sage extract (Salvia officinalis L.)*. * from organic farming. Fermented by adding natural lactic acid starter culture.

Content per daily intake

Content per daily intake 60 ml 120 ml
Fermented red clover extract 55,5 ml 111 ml
Of which isoflavones 33 mg 67 mg
Fermented lemon balm extract 1,8 ml 3,6 ml
Fermented peppermint extract 1,8 ml 3,6 ml
Fermented sage extract 0,9 ml 1,8 ml
Combined extracts provide
Potassium 480 mg (24 %*) 960 mg (48 %*)
Calcium 192 mg (24 %*) 384 mg (48 %*)
Magnesium 13mg (13 %*) 96mg (26 %*)
Lactic acid bacteria (CFU**) Min. 60 million Min. 120 million

* % of RI = Recommended Intake
** CFU = Colony Forming Units

Lactic acid bacteria
The lactic acid bacteria in the red clover extract multiply during the fermentation. Therefore, it is not possible to determine a precise quantity, as significant variations can occur.

Print intake instructions

Starting intake: 120 ml/day. 60 ml in the morning and 60 ml in the evening, preferably with a meal.
Maintenance intake: After 2 to 5 weeks the daily intake can be reduced to 60 ml/day: 30 ml in the morning and 30 ml in the evening. Some women require more (60–120 ml/day).

The daily intake should not exceed 120 ml (4 cups) a day. If you forget an intake, please do not double the following intake. Simply continue taking the amount of extract that suits your needs.

How long does it take before I feel the effects?
Based on our customers’ experiences, the effects are typically felt within 2-5 weeks. However, it’s important to continue taking the starting intake for up to 5 weeks to ensure you feel the effect. Most women experience significant improvement after 2-3 weeks, while others may need a bit more patience.

After consuming the equivalent of 4-6 litres, you should therefore expect to know how the extract works for you.

What should I do if the effects diminish?

It’s entirely natural for some women to experience a decrease in effectiveness after a period of use. If you notice this happening, you should return to the high intake (120 ml daily) until you once again experience the desired effects. Afterward, you can attempt to reduce the intake again.

Effective flavour maskers

  • Keep the extract chilled
  • Mix it 1:1 with your favourite juice (pineapple juice works best)
  • Others prefer to drink it quickly and wash it down with water/coffee or bite into a slice of orange

Taste & consistency
All extracts are made from freshly harvested organic herbs which are fermented with lactic acid bacteria. This means that the products are live, and as a result, the taste and consistency can vary from harvest to harvest and thus from product to product. Therefore, always remember to shake the carton thoroughly (turn the carton upside down) before each intake.

Stored at room temperature, but preferably as cool as possible. After opening, store the extract in the fridge as it tastes best cold.

Shelf life: See the date printed on the packaging. Shelf life does not change after opening.

Tip for vacations
It is best to bring a half-full bag of extract along with you. Alternatively, you can transfer the extract to smaller, half-litre bottles, with the air pressed out of them, so that the extract is exposed as little as possible to oxygen.

The bag- in-box principle ensures that the packaging is stable, practical, and hygienic. As the bag empties, it shrinks around the remaining contents, preventing oxygenation of the product and ensuring the shelf life of the product for as long as possible.

For how many days do I have in 1 carton?
1 carton contains 2 litres, typically enough for 1 months use:
• 2 litres: 120 ml/day = 16 days
• 2 litres: 60 ml/day = 33 days
• 1 litre: 120 ml/day = 8 days
• 1 litre: 60 ml/day = 17 days

Lactic acid fermentation – Unique processing – increased bioavailability
Fermentation with lactic acid bacteria is a natural process that is entirely unique to the herbal extracts from Herrens Mark. The fermentation results in the extract achieving a pH value of approximately 4, where only lactic acid bacteria thrive. As a result, there is no need to add alcohol or other preservatives. Nor is it necessary to pasteurise REGOMEO thereby preserving the live lactic acid bacteria. Scientific studies show that the fermentation ensures increased bioavailability. Isoflavones (phytoestrogens) are found in red clover where they are naturally bound to sugar molecules (glycone form). These sugar molecules are broken down during the lactic acid fermentation, so that the isoflavones are in aglycone form in the extract. This ensures better bioavailability and thus increased absorption of isoflavones from red clover. Herrens Mark has a patent on this unique fermentation process for red clover.

In our Knowledge section, you can find extensive information about red clover, plant oestrogens, and menopause.

Important: The recommended daily intake should not be exceeded. Food supplements should be stored out of reach of young children. A food supplement does not replace the need for a varied diet and a healthy lifestyle.

9 reviews for REGOMEO 1 & 2 Liter – Organic

  1. German


    Ich konnte den Effekt bereits nach dem ersten Tag merken und die Wirkung hat seitdem angehalten. Ich nehme jetzt seit 4 Monaten fermentiertes Rotklee-Extrakt. Ich bin super zufrieden und kann es anderen nur empfehlen 🙂

  2. German


    5 Wochen nach Beginn der Einnahme fing das Rotklee-Extrakt an bei mir zu wirken. Was bin ich froh dass ich nicht aufgegeben habe! Endlich ist Schluss mit diesen wirklich beeinträchtigenden Hitzeattacken – sogar nachts 🙂

  3. German


    Ganz klar 5 Sterne von mir. Absolut fantastisch. Nach 6 Tagen waren meine Hitzewallungen weg… 🙂 Ich kann es nur empfehlen – es hilft tatsächlich!

  4. German


    Es wirkt 🙂 Meine nächtlichen Hitzeattacken sind weg, aber oha… gut schmecken tut’s nicht.

  5. German

    Charlotte Julse

    Ich habe am 21. September mit Rotklee-Extrakt begonnen. Die erste 6 Tage gab es keine Veränderung. Am 6. Tag ist mir nachts doppelt so heiss gewesen wie normal. Aber ab da ging es nur noch bergauf. Die letzten zwei Nächte habe ich durchgeschlafen und in den letzen zwei Tagen hatte ich nur wenige und sehr milde Hitzeattacken. Heite morgen keine einzige. Voher hatte ich sehr starke Hitzewallungen und bin 6-8 Mal die Nacht schweißgebadet aufgewacht. … Daher 1000 DANK!!!

  6. German


    Die Wirkung zeigte sich bereits ab dem ersten Tag. Ich hatte nachts 12 Hitzewallungen und nach 60 ml morgens und nochmal abends waren sie verschwungden. Nach 10 Jahren habe ich ein neues Leben! Hurra😊😊😊

  7. German


    Ich kann den Rotklee-Extrakt nur empfehlen. Früher habe ich die Nächte durch aufgrund kräftiger Hitzewallunge wach gelegen und am Tag nahmen sie mehr und mehr zu. Nachdem ich das Extrakt nun vier Wochen nach Anweisung eingenommen habe, habe ich weder tagsüber noch nachts irgendwelche Hitzewallungen

  8. German


    Meine Hitzewallungen über 11. Jahre gehören jetzt endlich der Vergangenheit an 😊
    Ich habe das Produkt einer Kollegin empfohlen, die noch nicht so lange in den Wechseljahren war, aber sehr sehr von Hitzewallungen, Stimmungsschwankungen und schlechten Schlaf geplagt war.
    Sie ist die Hitzewallungen weitgehend los und schläft viel besser nach nur 14 Tagen mit Rotklee-Extrakt 👍🏻.

  9. German


    Die vorher Hitzewallungen und Schlafstörungen haben sich alle nach kurzer Zeit (ca. eine Woche) erheblich verbessert. Öfter durchschlafen zu können ist mir hierbei am wichtigsten.

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